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Being an Ally to Native Americans

Once upon a time, there was a wonderful land, with forests and plains and mountains and it was filled with people who lived in harmony with the land. Some were farmers, some were hunters, some built cities, some moved frequently. Sometimes they fought, but generally they shared the land....


Debdatta’s Interview Questions

When I went looking for Bookstagrammers and Reviewers, I came across Debdatta Dasgupta who writes Bookish Indulgences in India. Her blog is on Bookish Indulgences. She said that she couldn’t review a book, but she would post an "interview" of answered questions. The questions were fairly probing. One of them...


Watching the News

On April 4th, a former president was indicted for reporting "hush money" as a legal service when he sought to silence a woman he had had an affair with because he was running for president. In November of 2020, this individual called the officials of the Board of Elections...

Support Black Authors

Marketing to Black Audiences

I was watching Urban Indie Films on Aspire the other day, and there was a short film about a woman who was an author, and she was going to be interviewed. She wanted to send a message that would resonate with her black readership. But her handler/agent said "No,...


What Have Feminists Done for Me?

It's Women’s History Month and I’ve been seeing a lot of positive things about women making history in my feed. Women discovering that the sun is made of hydrogen, women charting stars, women writing the code that sent men to the moon, women leading the way in creating the...


What Makes a Good Story for Me

A few weeks ago, I did an author interview and two questions intrigued me. What would I say to a new author, and what makes a good story. I honestly don’t think that you can be a good writer without first being a reader. If you are a reader, you...


One Billion Dollars – What Would You Do?

I remember when I first "played" "How Would You Spend $1 million.?" It was at least 30 years ago. In multiple cities across America, I would build housing communities for single mothers. Co-ops. With a beautiful courtyard in the center for playing, and a community center, and day care....